How It Got Started
Devotional Driven Living has been a long time coming let's say. One day, someone told me that I should write a book and I realised that it stuck with me till today; then others told me to pursue it, so me doing a blog is my way of giving in, lol. The app I use the most is notes; I write down my visions, revelations, quotes, to-do-list and key notes that I don't write in my notebook, so I do enjoy writing and blogging already. The reason why I called it Devotional Driven Living is because the Hebrew translation for devotion is a state of being in strong affection or strong love towards God. Driven because I want us to use that affection and love to drive and lead us. Living because I want to help make it a lifestyle for you. Really, the name came by revelation but now breaking it down word for word makes it deeper. Also, because DDLiving for short sounds good, as DeDe is a nickname someone gave me.
I'm pretty passionate on talking about topics like friendships, relationships, daily struggles, topics not covered in church and motivation. That's what I am going to talk about on here. I hope you enjoy browsing my site and all of the unique content I have to offer. Take a look around; perhaps you’ll come across a message you've been waiting to hear!
PS: All the images below, were taken from my iPhone and the photographs were captured in a range of places, from UK, Spain, Prague to Zimbabwe and South Africa. There are some recognizable places like Victoria Falls, Matopos, Durban and then buildings & landscapes for the aesthetic.